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COUNTER activity 04 maggio 2010

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domenica 30 maggio 2010

proposal for UE study Archeology


To Europe United States

Re: opportunità di formare il 1° mini-gruppo di studio Archeologico per Università.

Proposal for EU University Archeology CAMPUS study for opening first time
In privated inesplorated old area limited into wall of ol castle ruines (1200 years of history with documents and other 500 years for rilevation into CAMPUS in area with 1^ team of studente of University Intenational Eurean.

This is firs time that thia privated area can too be visitated for Archeoilogy invasion study in CAMPUS, if EU prepare 1^ mini -team international pupils for this inauguration study.
This is possibility:

- BUDGET EU to every University for him pupil sended for STAGE with him tutor of same University Archeology;

- for propety area only mini budget (simbolic) EU for time GUIDE for opening area at pupils, for every week opened for study;
- for proprety area only 100 ,oo € for University for evbery
team (as simbolic money);
bye Paolo


mercoledì 5 maggio 2010

opportunity for University Archeology

opportunity mini STAGEs and CAMPUS for Internationals Universities
only a week every week ARCHEOLOGY study in old area with ruines of old castle of 1200 years old and again inesplorated
peraphs old people Ligures, Cesti, Romans, Medioeval and Templar
time date of CAMPUS are free (but only a week for team) and budget cost will be of University for his team and with his assurance and a Teacher of mame University for translate language from Italian
for access to area only a simbolic quotes:

1) for AREA

2) for guide history area

3) car driver optional

We will do only guide into area and little information turistic news for hotels into area

Airport International better using is Nice (France) (distance from area Imperia Oneglia is 80 km by train for IMPERIA Oneglia or by car (exit Autorout Imperia est)

Other possibility Airport is GENOVA Italy (distance 150 km from IMPERIA Oneglia)

For fly private there is Airport of ALBENGA Villanova (distance km. 35 from IMPERIA Oneglia) but only for fly from ROMA airport

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